Being successful in our lives

How do we win this race called life? Is it one who is strongest or the fastest who wins the race? Do you remember the story of the rabbit and the turtle? Who won the races, and how did he do it? The turtle went at a  steady pace and stayed on the path. If we stay on the path and go at a steady pace we will win on this raod called life. We should let nothing, on one, or anything get us off the path that we are on. We are successful when we don’t look to the left or to the right but when we keep our eyes on the prize. We have to put some work in the winning the race.  Some of us go to school and study, work hard, anf take test to pass. Life is the same way. We have life lessons that we must go through until we pass them. We have Power inside of us to pass the test that ciomes our way for sure. Just use it. True success is us living our lives and making it through so called good and bad times and coming out ok.

Image result for Person traveling down a road

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